
How much does a bridging loan cost | UK guide

Bridging loans have become an essential financial tool for many property investors, developers, and businesses.

These short-term loans are designed to bridge the gap between the need for immediate funds and the availability of long-term financing.

Whether you are looking to secure a new property, refurbish an existing one, or need quick capital for your business, understanding the intricacies of bridging loans is crucial.

Costs Associated with Bridging Loans

Interest Rates

Bridging loan interest rates can vary significantly depending on the lender, the loan amount, and the borrower’s circumstances.

Rates typically range from 0.4% to 2% per month.

Factors Affecting Interest Rates

Several factors can influence the interest rates on bridging loans:

  1. Loan Amount: The size of the loan can impact the interest rate. Larger loans may attract higher rates due to the increased risk for the lender.

  2. Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV): The LTV ratio, which compares the loan amount to the value of the property used as security, is a critical factor. Higher LTV ratios typically result in higher interest rates as they represent a greater risk to the lender.

  3. Creditworthiness: The borrower's credit history and financial stability play a significant role. Those with a strong credit profile may secure lower interest rates, while those with poor credit may face higher rates.

  4. Loan Term: The duration of the loan can also affect the interest rate. Shorter-term loans might have lower rates compared to longer-term bridging loans.

  5. Market Conditions: Economic factors and market conditions can influence interest rates. During periods of economic uncertainty or high demand for loans, interest rates may rise.

  6. Lender Policies: Different lenders have varying policies and risk appetites, which can result in different interest rates. Shopping around and comparing offers from multiple lenders can help secure the best rate.

Check out our comprehensive bridging loan interest rates guide covering everything you need to know.

Fees and Charges

  1. Arrangement Fee: Usually 1-2% of the loan amount.

  2. Exit Fee: Typically 1% of the loan amount, charged when the loan is repaid.

  3. Valuation Fee: Covers the cost of a property valuation.

  4. Legal Fees: Covers the cost of legal work required to set up the loan.


Alternatives to Bridging Loans

While bridging loans offer quick and flexible financing, we now know that they can be costly due to higher interest rates and additional fees.

If you're looking for other financing options, consider exploring alternatives that might better suit your needs. For more details, check out our blog on alternatives to bridging loans.

These alternatives can provide more cost-effective solutions depending on your situation.

Each alternative comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to evaluate them carefully based on your financial situation and goals.


Market Trends and Insights effecting costs

Current Trends

  1. Increased Demand: There has been a growing demand for bridging loans due to the competitive property market.
  2. Interest Rate Fluctuations: Recent Interest rates have been fluctuating (mainly high), impacting the cost of bridging loans.
  3. Regulatory Changes: New regulations have been introduced to protect borrowers and ensure fair lending practices.

Future Predictions

  1. Continued Demand: The demand for bridging loans is expected to remain strong, driven by the property market and business needs.
  2. Technological Advancements: Lenders are adopting new technologies to streamline the application process and improve customer experience.

What are Bridging Loans?

Bridging loans are short-term financing options typically used to cover immediate financial needs until a more permanent solution can be arranged.

These loans are often used in real estate transactions to bridge the gap between the sale of one property and the purchase of another.

Types of Bridging Loans

Closed Bridging Loans: These have a predetermined loan duration, providing structured repayment timelines for borrowers. These have a fixed repayment date, usually aligned with the date of a property sale.

Open Bridging Loans: These do not have a fixed repayment date but are usually expected to be paid off within a year.

Uses of Bridging Loans

Property Purchase

One of the most common uses of bridging loans is to facilitate property purchases. They provide the necessary funds to secure a new property while waiting for the sale of an existing one.

Renovations and Developments

Bridging loans can be used to finance property renovations and developments, often covering the initial deposit required by builders or contractors. This is especially useful for property developers who need quick access to capital to start or continue their projects.

Business Purposes

Businesses often use bridging loans to cover short-term cash flow needs, finance urgent projects, or take advantage of time-sensitive opportunities.

Auction Purchases

Bridging loans are ideal for auction purchases where the buyer needs to complete the transaction quickly. They provide the immediate funds required to secure the property before arranging long-term financing.

Pros and Cons of Bridging Loans



One of the primary benefits of bridging loans is their speed. Unlike traditional loans, which can take weeks or even months to process, bridging loans can be arranged in a matter of days.

This rapid turnaround is particularly advantageous for business owners who need immediate access to funds to seize opportunities or address urgent financial needs.


Bridging loans offer remarkable flexibility, making them suitable for a wide range of purposes. Whether you need to purchase a new property, undertake renovations, or cover unexpected business expenses, a bridging loan can provide the necessary funds.

This versatility makes it an attractive option for small to medium-sized business owners who require adaptable financial solutions.

Short-term Solution:

Bridging loans are designed as a short-term financial solution, ideal for bridging a temporary gap in financing. They can be particularly useful when you are waiting for long-term financing to be approved or for the sale of an asset to be completed.

This short-term nature allows businesses to maintain cash flow and continue operations without interruption.


Higher Interest Rates:

One of the significant drawbacks of bridging loans is their higher interest rates compared to traditional loans. The convenience and speed of these loans come at a cost, and borrowers should be prepared for the higher expense.

It is essential to carefully consider whether the benefits outweigh the higher interest rates before committing to a bridging loan.


Bridging loans often come with additional fees that can add up quickly. These may include arrangement fees, exit fees, and valuation fees. It is crucial to factor in these costs when calculating the total expense of the loan.

Business owners should ensure they fully understand all associated fees to avoid any unexpected financial burdens.


There is an inherent risk associated with bridging loans, particularly the risk of losing the secured property if the loan cannot be repaid on time. This risk underscores the importance of having a clear repayment plan in place before taking out a bridging loan.

Failure to repay the loan could result in significant financial loss and potential damage to the business.

First and Second Charge Bridging Loans

First Charge Loans

These loans are secured against a property that does not have any other loans or mortgages against it.

If the borrower defaults, the lender has the first claim to the property.

Second Charge Loans

These loans are secured against a property that already has an existing loan or mortgage.

The lender has the second claim to the property in the event of a default, making them riskier and often more expensive.

Choosing the Best Bridging Loan

Key Considerations

  1. Interest Rates: Compare the interest rates offered by different lenders.

  2. Fees: Be aware of all associated fees, including arrangement fees, broker fees, exit fees, and valuation fees.

  3. Loan Term: Ensure the loan term aligns with your needs and repayment capabilities.

  4. Lender Reputation: Choose a reputable lender with good customer reviews.

  5. Interest Rate Comparison: Look at both the nominal and effective interest rates.

  6. Total Cost of Loan: Consider the total cost, including interest and fees.

  7. Repayment Flexibility: Check if there are flexible repayment options.

Application Process

Steps to Apply

  1. Initial Inquiry: Contact the lender and provide details about your financial needs.

  2. Application Form: Complete the lender’s application form with the necessary information.

  3. Documentation: Provide required documents, such as proof of income, property details, and credit history.

  4. Valuation: The lender will arrange for a property valuation.

  5. Approval: If approved, the lender will provide a loan offer.

  6. Funds Transfer: Once accepted, the funds will be transferred to your account.

Documentation Required

  1. Proof of Identity: Passport or driver's license.

  2. Proof of Address: Utility bill or bank statement.

  3. Proof of Income: Payslips or bank statements.

  4. Property Details: Information about the property being used as security.

Why you should consider using a finance broker

The main reasons that bridging loans get expensive are interest rates and fees.

Thankfully finance brokers can help with this. here are some key benefits of using a finance broker:

Access to a Wide Range of Lenders

Brokers have access to a broad network of lenders, including those not typically available to the general public.

This means they can find competitive rates and terms that you might not be able to secure on your own.

Negotiation Power

Brokers often have established relationships with lenders and can negotiate better terms and rates on your behalf.

This can result in more favourable loan conditions and potentially lower costs.

Tailored Solutions

A finance broker can assess your unique financial situation and recommend the most suitable bridging loan options.

They can tailor their advice to ensure the loan meets your specific requirements and exit strategy.

Simplified Process

The application process for a bridging loan can be complex, involving various documentation and legal requirements.

A broker can guide you through each step, ensuring all paperwork is correctly completed and submitted.


While brokers charge a fee for their services, the savings they can secure through better loan terms and rates often outweigh the cost.

Additionally, they can help you avoid potential pitfalls that could result in costly mistakes.

Ongoing Support

A good broker will provide ongoing support throughout the loan term, assisting with any issues that arise and helping you manage your repayments effectively.

In summary, using a finance broker can provide you with expert guidance, access to a wider range of lenders, and potentially better loan terms, making the process of securing a bridging loan smoother and more efficient.

Finance Nation

If you want to dive straight into exploring bridging loan options, you're already in the right place.

Our experienced team understands the challenges faced by people looking for the most time and cost-effective solutions, and we're here to help.

With our cutting-edge Fintech platform, we ensure seamless access to tailored finance solutions that suit your needs.

With access to lending products you won't find elsewhere, we'll identify the best deal for you and keep things moving until the funds are where they need to be. 

Contact us now and we will arrange a call to discuss your financial needs along with your next best step forward!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the typical approval timeline for a bridging loan?

The approval timeline for a bridging loan can vary depending on the lender and the complexity of the application.

However, bridging loans are known for their speed and efficiency. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks from the initial application to the disbursement of funds.

Some lenders may even offer expedited services for urgent cases, potentially approving and funding the loan within 24-48 hours if all necessary documentation is in order.

2. Are there any specific eligibility criteria for obtaining a bridging loan?

Eligibility criteria for bridging loans can vary between lenders, but some common requirements include:

  • Credit History: A good credit score can help secure better interest rates, though some lenders may be flexible with lower scores.

  • Proof of Income: Demonstrating sufficient income to cover loan repayments is essential.

  • Property Details: Information about the property being used as security, including its value and condition.

  • Exit Strategy: A clear plan for repaying the loan, such as proceeds from a property sale, refinancing, or other means.

  • Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio: Many lenders have a maximum LTV ratio, typically around 65-75%, which means the loan amount should not exceed 65-75% of the property's value.

3. How does the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio affect my bridging loan application?

The Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio is a critical factor in bridging loan applications. It measures the loan amount as a percentage of the property's value used as security.

Here’s how it affects the application:

  • Approval Likelihood: A lower LTV ratio often increases the chances of loan approval, as it represents a lower risk to the lender.

  • Interest Rates: Higher LTV ratios typically come with higher interest rates due to the increased risk.

  • Loan Amount: The maximum loan amount you can borrow is directly influenced by the LTV ratio. For example, with a 70% LTV and a property valued at £500,000, you could borrow up to £350,000.

  • Repayment Terms: Lower LTV ratios might lead to more favorable repayment terms and conditions.

4. What happens if I am unable to repay the bridging loan within the agreed term?

If you are unable to repay the bridging loan within the agreed term, several outcomes may occur:

  • Extension: Some lenders may offer an extension of the loan term, though this might come with additional fees and higher interest rates.

  • Refinancing: You could explore refinancing options to pay off the bridging loan with a new loan, potentially converting it into a long-term mortgage.

  • Sale of Property: If the loan was secured against a property, selling the property may be an option to repay the loan.

  • Legal Action: In worst-case scenarios, the lender may take legal action to recover the loan amount, which could include repossessing the property used as security.

  • Increased Costs: Failure to repay on time may incur additional fees, penalties, and higher interest charges, significantly increasing the total cost of the loan.

5. Can bridging loans be refinanced into a traditional mortgage or long-term loan?

Yes, bridging loans can often be refinanced into a traditional mortgage or long-term loan.

Here’s how this can be done:

  • Mortgage Application: Apply for a traditional mortgage to pay off the bridging loan. This usually involves demonstrating stable income, good credit history, and meeting the lender's other criteria.

  • Refinancing Process: Work with a lender to refinance the bridging loan into a long-term loan. This process might involve a new property valuation and updated financial documentation.

  • Exit Strategy: Having a clear exit strategy, such as transitioning to a traditional mortgage, is crucial when taking out a bridging loan to ensure you can repay it within the short term.

Refinancing can provide more manageable repayment terms and lower interest rates, making it a viable option for those looking to transition from a short-term bridging loan to a more permanent financing solution.